
Alignment leads to better investor outcomes.

With founders and Cynosure meaningfully invested, we are aligned with our investors. Alignment ensures we are all focused on achieving the long-term goals of the organization for the benefit of our partners and investors.

Value Creation
Value Creation

An active and uniquely tailored approach to value creation.

Typically providing the first institutional capital, our collaborative approach creates value for our investors by creating value with the founder and management-owners we partner with. Whether we're assisting with operations, organizational development, capital structure, or M&A, we have the resources, alignment and risk-management focus to drive optimal outcomes.

Optimizing solutions for partner companies—that’s the Cynosure difference.

Differentiated approach provides our investors with unique investment opportunities. The success of our strategy hinges on underwriting creative solutions, including the ability to structure minority investments.

We’re fully invested in the success of
our partner companies.


Our investment solutions focus on private growth equity and private credit.

Private Growth Equity

Cynosure targets private growth equity investments with the flexibility to structure each investment, including ownership levels, in a variety of ways. We typically invest between $25M and $75M+ on each opportunity and focus primarily on North American-based companies in Financial Services, Consumer Services, and Business / Industrial Services.

Private Credit

Targeting private credit opportunities and building on the foundational alignment of our private growth equity strategy, our credit strategy focuses on similar situations while investing $5M to $50M, usually senior in the capital structure.


Partnering with founders and management-owners requires a specialized approach to sourcing.

Our primary source of opportunity comes from our network of current and former management teams, board members, and industry contacts, along with trusted advisors with whom our Founder and Management-Owner partners have professional relationships.
Salt Lake City
(801) 521-3100
111 S. Main Street, Suite 2350
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
New York City
(801) 521-3100
152 W 57th St, Suite 16N
New York, NY 10019
The Cynosure Group, LLC is an SEC-registered investment adviser engaged in providing private investment advisory and wealth management services, as well as providing investment advice with regard to private equity and other alternative investments. Registration with the SEC does not imply a certain level of skill or training.  A detailed description of The Cynosure Group is available in its Form ADV Part 1, Part 2A firm brochure, and Form CRS, which may be found at Cynosure Partners is a part of The Cynosure Group, LLC (herein collectively referred to as “Cynosure”).  This does not constitute advice or a recommendation or offer to sell or a solicitation to deal in any security or financial product. It is provided for information purposes only and on the understanding that the recipient has sufficient knowledge and experience to be able to understand and make their own evaluation of the proposals and services described herein, any risks associated therewith and any related legal, tax, accounting or other material considerations.  To the extent that the reader has any questions regarding the applicability of any specific issue discussed above to their specific portfolio or situation, prospective investors are encouraged to contact Cynosure or consult with the professional advisor of their choosing.